Workshop # 15 Interpretations of an image

'Interpretations of an Image' spent the last 3 days painting in Richview...some beautiful work emerging from's some photographs of the process.

Thanks to Francis Matthews and Laura Kelly for organising and running this!

photos by Alice Clancy

Public Conversation no. 2 - 'Common Space'

Cliften - Daniel Fishback

Wednesday 29th July
Red Room, Richview, UCD Architecture
12.45-1.15 lunch
1.15-2.30 Public Conversation

The second public conversation is called 'common space'.

We've organised a complimentary lunch for 12.45pm with the conversation due to begin at 1.15.

The topic for conversation is 'common space', and will address the ideas inherent in that name - public space, community and the civic. The conversation will be an informal 'questions and answers' type session, with participants invited to set questions for discussion to an invited panel.

Confirmed panelists:

Aidan J. Ffrench - landscape architect, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council.
Ali Grehan, Dublin City Architect
Ken McCue - Cultural/community activist

Chair: Alan Mee

This event has been organised by Anne Gorman who runs the workshop 'From the Ground Up' with Matt Shelton and Michelle Browne.

If you would like to propose a question, please email us at nowwhatrichview (at) by Monday 27th July.

This will allow us to organise a better structure to the event.

You can rsvp via facebook if you check 'attending' here.

Hope to see you there!

Here's some recommended reading from our panellists for anyone who would like to delve further into the topic:

(see also the now what reading group now what read)

1) 'Reclaiming the Commons', David Bollier,link.

2) Life between Buildings: Using Public Space Jan Gehl

3) 'Mappings'(extract The agency of Mapping) by James Corner

4) A pattern Language:Towns, Buildings, Construction by Christopher Alexander

5) Green Space Mapping + Characterization by Green Space Scotland

6) Urban Design Manual: A Best Practice Guide

7) H.A.R.P. Framework Document, Dublin Corporation, 1996

8) Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration - the West European Experience, Eds; Franco Bianchini, Michael Parkinson

9) Push for Urban Parkland takes Root, Haya El Nasser, USA Today - link
10) Parks for People, Conference Report, Liverpool 2005 - link

Mind The Gap

Why aren't the two Luas lines linked up? Why can I never find a public toilet? Why is there no grass in Wolfe Tone Park ? Can anything be done with the dying Smithfield Square ? Due to the economic downturn do you find you have more time to see the little or big things that are missing that you might not have noticed before? Do things in the city bother you? Is there something that you could do about it? The artist Michelle Browne is looking for participants for her new project Mind the Gap which will be part of the Dublin Fringe Festival in September 09. The group are currently looking at gaps that exist in the city, focusing on issues relating to urban planning, to architecture, and to infrastructural and social concerns. We will identify services that do not exist or objects that would improve our experience of the city.We want to come up with a new vision for different parts of the city.

This year's Fringe Festival will present works which confront, embrace and defy this period of remarkable change and challenges. From celebrating the fresh re-emergence of DIY culture, looking at where we are and how we got here; as a city, nation and international community of makers, doers, seers and thinkers.

If you have a skills in the areas of architecture, design, construction, urban planning or related subjects, and would like to be part of a visual art project that creatively looks at these issues please contact Michelle for more information. The artist is particularly interested in working with those who through unemployment may have lots of ideas but nowhere to channel them. The group meets twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays.

The work will culminate in the public presentation of our research over the 16 days of the Fringe Festival from 5-20 of September.

Email and go to for examples of previous work.

Pecha Kucha

Thanks to everyone who came along to Pecha Kucha !

if you couldn't make it here are some pictures of the event taken by photographer Mads Bruun


The Workroom (atelier architecture) - a new public space

The redesign of a new office and gallery space for the Irish Architecture Foundation -

a space that reflects the ethos of the IAF and is a catalyst for the development of the foundation.


To design a space and build the physical elements to create a multifunctional workroom. To create a public exhibition space, drop in centre and an office for IAF staff.

We are going to run a competition, which involves the public having 1/3 of the vote. We will post up the submissions on our website which has had 24,000 unique visitors since February and 3,500 people on our e- mailing list.

Great exposure for the architects involved!

A space must conveys the following:

- architecture as activity

- public private connection

- visibility in a basement

- consider way-finding and signage

- to be used by a broad audience


Using existing structures, limitations and furniture, re-think the space and it’s use.

Space 30sqm

€1,000 budget is available for materials & construction.

2 stage competition

Proposals submitted for selection

One winning team

Priorities for judging: achievable, budget, realistic, inspiring, small idea/big impact


Stage 1: 5 x drawings/animations by email/DVD with philosophy and method submitted 31st July to

These images will be posted on our website for the public vote.

Panel: IAF + Guest + Public Vote (post on IAF website for 2 weeks august)

Stage 2:End of August: winning team announced deliver design + construction in September.

Launch end of September:



About the IAF

The Irish Architecture Foundation’s role is to be a vibrant and passionate organisation that communicates the value of architecture to the general public. We are a focal point for the many people and organisations who wish to champion the power of architecture and the built environment. We produce, curate and support exhibitions, workshops and events that stimulate and empower the public.

to get involved or find out more please email:

nowwhatatelier (at)

Cohesive Construction - Table Quiz!

Tues 21st July, 4 Dame Lane. Doors 8pm, Quiz 9pm sharp, entry €10

There's a great array of prizes including:

4 tickets to castlepallooza music festival in Charleville castle for the winning table

a host of other prizes for raffle on the night, including more tickets to the festival, bike gear, vouchers, booze etc etc...

Music afterwards till late.

See you there!

Thank You!

Thanks to the huge crowd who come out to Richview last night!

It was a great start to now what?

special thanks to all the workshop presenters and to:

Dr. Hugh Campbell, Professor of Architecture for the opening speech
Ciaran Cuffe T.D. for the closing remarks
Velux for sponsoring the wine
Reemo for some great music before and after the presentations.
and to Sean Hillen for taking these photographs.

Signing Up
anyone who was there will know that we created an email address for each workshop which you will find here on the blog with the workshop description.
So, whether you made it last night or not -
look up the addresses of the workshops you are interested in and drop them a line.

as of now you can use the studios - most will be going for the top floor which is where the 'rich view' is so head on up and get a desk.

now what? is on facebook - Love it or hate it - join the group if you're on it!

as always - let us know if you have any queries at nowwhatrichview (at)

Tara Kennedy and Joanne Butler ask 'what is the spirit of gracious living anyway?'

Ciaran Cuff makes a closing speech.


Aoibheann ni Mhearain and David Healy

image by Aoibheann Ni Mhearain

synthetic landscapes now have a blog

Workshop Description:


This workshop aims to instigate a discussion on how to represent landscape, from the understanding that how we represent a landscape circumscribes our future actions on it; what we see determines how we act.


This study will examine 2 specific types of representation – the historical picturesque and the contemporary map - thinking critically about their production and their application – and will apply this thinking to 2 sites in Dublin's outskirts, each with different landscape qualities.


The end product is projected as a series of new folding maps - a cross-fertilisation of the map and the picture and a synthesis of the visual and performative aspects of landscape.


This project will take place over 4 weeks in June/July, with 1-2 days of participation per week.

Representational techniques (ways of drawing or modeling) allied with analytical methods (ways of conceptualizing and measuring) are mutually dependent practices that condition how problems of the (landscape) are framed and sites conceived.”

- Andrea Kahn

nowwhatsynthetic (at)

About the Organisers:

Aoibheann Ni Mhearain is an architect currently in practice in Dublin. She teaches studio in UCD and UCC, where she also lectures on landscape. Aoibheann formerly worked with Grafton Architects in Dublin and with OMA in Rotterdam. She has studied in UCD (B.Arch) and Princeton University (M.Arch)
David Healy is a recent graduate of the School of Architecture in UCD. He has worked with Grafton Architects in Dublin and has also studied at the School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark.

now what?

opening night
06.07.09 red room, richview, ucd 7.30 pm

The now what? summer school will open on Monday 6th July at Richview, UCD architecture at 7.30 pm.

Key speakers will open the summer school and each workshop will be introduced. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to sign up for the workshops while enjoying a glass of wine.


James Leahy

A new non-growth dependent development model for suburbs is required:

Development has stopped but the actions required to retrofit existing suburbs for accessibility and to provide social housing all assumed that the previous level of development would continue. A new model for the redevelopment of our existing suburbs over the next ten years is needed.

Smarter Travel Policy:

The new Smarter Travel sustainable transport policy and the National Cycle Policy Framework (Department of Transport 2008, 2009) have many actions calling for suburbs to be retrofitted to make them permeable for walkers and cyclists and accessible by public transport. How will they be retrofitted to do this?


There is still a need to build social housing, create new models of housing tenure and to increase the mix of housing in existing suburbs. There is a further need to introduce employment and services into suburbs.


Can the example of how the Dublin Crisis Conference, Making the Modern Street and Group 91 Architects in the 1980-90’s led to a revolution in the planning our our city centres and a new model of development be used as an inspiration?

Retrofitting suburbs:

What will retrofitting projects look like?

How will they be planned or regulated?

Who will deliver them?

Who will pay?

How will they gain community acceptance?

Who is doing what now, in Ireland and abroad?


The Workshops will initially limit themselves to exploring the possibilities for retro-fitting suburbs over the next 10 years.


A series of workshops with interested architects, planners and people from the environmental and community housing sector. Research for these will cover case studies of current and potential best practice in Ireland and abroad, plus research on particular actions from Smarter travel and the National Cycle Policy Framework


-Proposal for a model of redevelopment of our suburbs based on retrofitting and small local interventions.

-Opportunities to partner with providers of social and community housing

-An application to the Smarter Travel project fund before 9 September 2009.


see also the Remaking the Modern Suburb blog here

About the Organisers:
James Leahy is an engineer, one of the founders of Bike to Work, and member of An Taisce and Dublin Cycling campaign


Workshop Description:

The objective of this workshop is to look at Dublin in a fresh light with a view to discovering hidden treasures within the city. The exercise will take place over three days. On the first afternoon we will discuss the various practices of urban wandering including (but not limited to) the aimless wandering of the Flneur, the ready made art of the Dadaists, the strolling of the Situationists, along with the practices of various contemporary walking artists. Based on this discussion the group will devise a sets of principals or rules to guide the urban adventure. These principals should encourage drifting into uncharted territories, thus creating serendipitous occasions. For example, many urban wanderers use small generative algorithms to encourage unpredictable behaviour (like: second left, first right, second right, repeat).

On day two we will meet at sunrise to begin the magical journey. According to the Situationists a Derive is most successful when carried out in small groups of either two or three people. Through the playful act of wandering strange turns will be taken and marvellous views uncovered. Each group will make a photographic record of their trajectory. We will conclude the journey at nightfall.

On afternoon of day three we will meet again to discuss the findings our experiment. Each group will trace out the path through which they journeyed and choose 17 photographs to describe it (1 photograph to describe each hour). The photographs and maps will be complied to form an exhibition describing our view of this particular day and what magical mysteries we have uncovered through our adventuring.


Maximum of 10 participants



nowwhatderive (at)

About the organiser:

Nuala Flood is an architect and avid photographer who lives and works in Dublin. At the moment she is most interested in psychogeography, treasure hunting in the city and re-appropriating objects found through her wanderings.