Workshop Description:

The objective of this workshop is to look at Dublin in a fresh light with a view to discovering hidden treasures within the city. The exercise will take place over three days. On the first afternoon we will discuss the various practices of urban wandering including (but not limited to) the aimless wandering of the Flneur, the ready made art of the Dadaists, the strolling of the Situationists, along with the practices of various contemporary walking artists. Based on this discussion the group will devise a sets of principals or rules to guide the urban adventure. These principals should encourage drifting into uncharted territories, thus creating serendipitous occasions. For example, many urban wanderers use small generative algorithms to encourage unpredictable behaviour (like: second left, first right, second right, repeat).

On day two we will meet at sunrise to begin the magical journey. According to the Situationists a Derive is most successful when carried out in small groups of either two or three people. Through the playful act of wandering strange turns will be taken and marvellous views uncovered. Each group will make a photographic record of their trajectory. We will conclude the journey at nightfall.

On afternoon of day three we will meet again to discuss the findings our experiment. Each group will trace out the path through which they journeyed and choose 17 photographs to describe it (1 photograph to describe each hour). The photographs and maps will be complied to form an exhibition describing our view of this particular day and what magical mysteries we have uncovered through our adventuring.


Maximum of 10 participants



nowwhatderive (at)

About the organiser:

Nuala Flood is an architect and avid photographer who lives and works in Dublin. At the moment she is most interested in psychogeography, treasure hunting in the city and re-appropriating objects found through her wanderings.