Exhibition Space
Work produced in the workshops & research carried out in the studio spaces will be exhibited over two weeks in October. We are on the programme for two major events - Open House (8-11 Oct) and Innovation Dublin (14th-20th October), so there will be quite a wide audience for the exhibition.
A dublin-based developer, Joe Linders has very kindy offered us disused shop space in Smithfield market for these two weeks.
There are a variety of sizes of space that we could use, and we will confirm the space closer to the date, as it is dependant on which of the spaces are leased in the interim. The spaces are empty, with white walls, and aluminium clad floors and ceilings. There is a great potential to make an interesting exhibition, so use your imagination for your exhibit! We will have to leave the spaces in the condition we found them at the end of the exhibiton
We need volunteers to come and be the interface with the public at the exhibition for an hour or two during the two weeks - whatever time you can spare. Please email us nowwhatrichview (at) ucd.ie, and label your email 'Exhibition Invigilators'. You will handsomely rewarded with fun!!
Donations towards collation and publication of the exhibition are welcome! We have some inital sponsorship from archinfo towards this end, for which we are very grateful.