Public Conversation no. 1 - 'Home'

Monday 20th July
Red Room, Richview, UCD Architecture
12.45-1.15 lunch
1.15-2.30 Public Conversation

The first public conversation will take place on Monday 20th July.

We've organised some food for 12.45, with with the conversation due to begin at 1.15...therefore get there early if you want to avail of a free lunch!

The topic for conversation is 'home', and how this has evolved and could evolve into the future in Ireland. The conversation will be an informal 'questions and answers' type session, with participants invited to set questions for discussion to an invited panel.

Shane O' Toole, Gerry Stembridge and Michael Pike have been confirmed as panellists with more tbc. Professor Hugh Campbell will chair the conversation.
Participants will include culturstruction and their workshop questioning 'The Spirit of Gracious Living' & the workshop 'Remaking the Modern Suburb' with more tbc.

If you would like to propose a question, please email us at nowwhatrichview (at) by Friday 18 July. This will allow us to organise a better structure to the event.

You can rsvp via facebook if you check 'attending' here.

Hope to see you there!

Here's some recommended reading from our panellists for anyone who would like to delve further into the topic:
(also, see the book club that has sprung up)

1) Jose Antonio Coderch: 'It isn't geniuses we need right now', 1960.
Published again recently in 2G, No.33, p.134.

2) Alain de Botton: 'Ideals of Home' 2006.
From: 'The Architecture of Happiness', Hamish Hamilton.

3) Dominic Stevens: 'Domestic'

4) John Hejduk: 'Sentences on the house and other sentences', in New Irish Architecture 10, pp90-93 (AAI Dublin 1995)

5) Emmett scanlon: 'A view with a Room' in 'The Lives of Spaces', pp 155-167 (IAF & UCD, Dublin 2008)

6) Christopher Alexander et al:'Your own Home' in A Pattern Language, pp 392-296
(Oxford University Press, New York, 1977).

7) Shane O' Toole: 'Their Hearts' Desire' in des/IRE, pp 76-81
(Gandon Editions and the National Sculpture Factory, Cork, 2008)

8) Deborah S Ryan: 'The Ideal Home Through the 20th Century',
(Hazar Publishing, London, 1997)

9) Emily Greeves: 'The Development of Housing in Britain, 1870-2008' in Home/Away,
(British Council London, 2008).

10) Gaston Bachelard: 'The poetics of Space',
(Beacon Press, Boston MA 1994 Edition, first published in French 1958).