Scale Architects in collaboration with Brian Ward & Gary Farrelly
Image by Gary Farrelly
Workshop Timetable and Public Lectures:
Monday 24th: 5.30-8.00pm: Red Room, Richview
Public lecture + Q&A by ScAle Architects and Sean Hillen.
8.00pm: introduction to the final project: creation of the country's missing monument.
Tuesday 25th: 5.30-8.00pm: Red Room Richview
Public lecture +Q&A by Gary Farrelly, Brian ward, Ide Moloney,
8.00pm: discussion on the final project.
Thursday 27th: 5.30-8.00pm: Red Room, Richview.
Presentation + crits of all the projects created by the participants and the lecturers.
Workshop Description:
This is an idea to investigate the "monumental" output of Ireland in the last twenty years.
What sort of iconic constructions / symbolic structures / landmark buildings or in one word Monuments (to the economy, communication, politic, religion, sport...) were produced from the collapse of the Eastern Block to the current Credit Crunch?
The project should be divided into three parts:
a) Survey/Analysis/Evaluation of the artefacts erected on the Republic of Ireland, which could be regarded as monuments.
b) Discussion/debate on the meaning, the value and the existence of the monuments in the ROI. Do we have them? Do we need them?
In the "transparent democratic networking era" do we still need significant physical piece of "hardware" to appear in our towns?
c) Proposals for construction/destruction/recalibration of the XXI century monument.
Should the political power invest tax-payer money for the creation of a self-referential symbol? Should the economy be reinvigorated by a Bilbao-like international attraction? Should the architect be the one who materializes the current collective imagination?...
more info to follow.
nowwhatmonument (at) gmail.comAbout the Organisers:Maurizio Scalera B.Arch, MRIAI italian architect graduated from University of Florence, Italy, in 2000. Lives and works in Dublin since 2002. He has been working with De Paor Architects, Grafton Architects, OMP Architects. Currently teaching in Design Studio, First Year, School of Architecture, DIT, Dublin. Co-founder of ScAle architects, since 2001.Benedetta Alessi B.Arch, graduated from UCD Dublin in 2004. She has been working with Simon Walker Architects and Palmer Whelan Associates. Co-founder of ScAle architects, since 2001. Has been involved in several Art/Architecture collaborations and exhibitions in Ireland.
Brian Ward year-master, first year, School of Architecture, DIT, Dublin.Gary Farrelly resident artist at Galerie W Eric Landau, 44 rue Lepic Paris 18.